How do I research a product?
How do I make sure I have accurate results?
Will my product sell, and how much can I expect to make?
Which day should I end my lisitng?
In which category should I list my product?
Which listing enhancements should I use?
How do I find the best ending time?
How do I find the best listing duration?
How do I find the best listing type?
What Keywords Should I Use in my Title?
How Do I Use Last Year's Auctions?
How do I Research a Category?
How do I make sure I have Accurate Results?
Basic Training Video (Based on the Introduction to HammerTap Webinar)
November 2008: Your Holiday Listing Check-Up: 10 Ways To Spice Up Your Listings
October 2008: Avoiding the Price War
July 2008: Market Research for Vintage and One-of-a-Kind Items
May 2008: Creating Attractive, Professional eBay Listings Every Time
May 2008: Product Sourcing Made Simple with Worldwide Brands
April 2008: Becoming a Top Seller for Your Product
March 2008: Turning Trends into Profitable Products with Lisa Suttora
February 2008: Building the Perfect Listing Title, Every Time
January 2008: What Do I Sell? Part 1
January 2008: What Do I Sell? Part 2
December 2007: Grow My Profits! Great Big Leaps with Teeny, Tiny Changes
November 2007: Predicting eBay Sales Trends During the Holiday Rush